4 Clever Approaches To Boost Visibility For Your Business Blog On Social Media
Blogs are crucial marketing tools for any business looking to promote its products and services through the digital world – an absolute must with an Internet-savvy generation. A blog helps you address relevant needs of your audience, while allowing you to tell your story in a compelling manner.
But what’s the point of writing a great blog if no one is reading it? Sharing your blogs on your social media channels can help attract new readers and offer greater value for existing ones. Follow these smart ideas to boost visibility for your business blog on social media.
Include Blog Links On All Social Media Efforts
Setting up a business blog isn’t enough. You need to find ways to promote it and social media is the perfect channel. Adding blog links to your social media profiles will help you draw in new readers and potential customers for your business. Here are some ways you can include blog links to your social media efforts:
- Include your blog link in prominent spots on all your social media profiles such as Facebook About Us pages, Instagram descriptions and Twitter profiles.
- Address every social post with a link to a blog most relevant to it.
- Display blog links at the end of social posts as a way to direct customers to your website.
- Register any new social media profile with a link to your blog.
By introducing your blog link or links to specific blogs on social media posts and channels, you will find new ways to expand your reader base, which may eventually convert them into customers for your business.
Schedule Social Posts to Coincide With New Blog Posts
While you may not be able to give a detailed description of your blog post, you can certainly entice your readers with a teaser on all your social media posts with a link back to the specific blog. This is a great way to let people know about new blog posts in your portfolio. Here’s why scheduling social posts can help you:
- Demonstrates your authority on specific topics related to user needs.
- Directs social media followers to your website to increase traffic.
- Informs readers that you have new and valuable content to share.
By using social media to inform readers about new blog posts, you are letting them know that your business regularly updates its content. Search engines will also take note of fresh content on your website, which can boost your SEO rankings.
Create Social Chatter
Another great way to promote a new blog on your website is to create a social post that encourages chatter. This way you are not directly promoting your blog, which can put off several readers. Instead, you are triggering conversation about a specific topic, allowing you to subtly integrate your blog as a solution to the problem. Here are some ideas for creating social chatter on your channels:
- If you are promoting a product, create a discussion that revolves around a need related to it.
- If you are promoting a specific ‘how to’ post, trigger a discussion inviting reader input. You can then facilitate the discussion further with a link to your blog post.
- If you are promoting a service, invite readers to share comments on their need for it with a link back to the post.
Creating social chatter on topics related to your blog post is an innovative way to highlight how your business is addressing specific posts and is a great way to enhance engagement with your readers.
Create Social Media Campaigns To Build Blog Effectiveness
You need to find ways to give people more reasons to visit your business blog page. Creating a social media campaign concentrated around the blog can help you drive value for it. Here’s how you can do that:
- Add an incentive for your readers by highlighting certain offers/discounts they can expect from your blog.
- Promote visual content to demonstrate how users can solve particular needs on your blog.
- Deliver a teaser idea in your social post that entices readers to link back to your blog to see what else your business is offering.
- Partner with related, non-competing businesses to offer bundled value for readers via a single platform.
A social campaign not only helps you generate reader interest in your content, but it can also add very real value to the bottom line of your business.
Blogs present the perfect opportunity to answer questions and offer solutions that create enhanced value for your readers. But you have to make sure you get your content in front of the right audience for it to make a real difference to the way you do business. These clever strategies will help you build a robust blog page for your business website.