IAmMoneyMoves, hip hop music manager and his unique management style

IAmMoneyMoves, is a music manager who has a no nonsense management style, as well as a format to go with it. iAmMoneyMoves understands that artists are motivated by creativity, and with creativity comes decisions that are made in order to pursue a creative direction. However, he also believes it is important that artists must understand that they are a business and a brand, and they should represent themselves as one. Sometimes, he believes, decisions should be made which will reflect this.

iAmMoneyMoves believes that sometimes artists who make all their decisions based on creativity will need to have someone who understands the business side of things, and to make decisions based on a business and a brand.

Furthermore he firmly believes in the embracing of technology in order to reach and engage with an audience. During the coronavirus pandemic, iAmMoneyMoves believes it is a good time to engage with this audience as everyone will be on their computers and phones while they are mainly stuck inside. He does not believe in the philosophy of just releasing music and music videos. iAmMoneyMoves believes in investing into a ‘push’ behind new music, and also  investing of money into the initial product.  He also firmly believes in the use of social media and the content that is posted. By flooding social media accounts and influencer accounts with the content from the artist, it is a good way to engage and reach the wider audience who are all active on social media, much like bigger brands such as Gucci, Fashion Nova and Bank of America do.

His no nonsense management style comes from the sense that he will only choose to work with artists that he believes are compatible with his work style and ethic. While many artists will clash with their managers over decisions to do with artistic style and business management, iAmMoneyMoves has no time for this and will only work with an artist he believes will match his own work ethic and will be willing to listen to him and follow a well balanced format. It is clear to see that Only1BamaBoy’s (iAmMoneyMoves artist currently under his wing) style works well with iAmMoneyMoves management style, as the two are working closely together in order to promote Only1BamaBoy’s latest releases and get him recognized in the music industry. Watch this space closely; Only1BamaBoy could be next up, with iAmMoneyMoves right there next to him.

His management style will no doubt reveal results for the artist under his wing, and we can only wait for the future to see just how popular they can get.

You can follow up with iAmMoneyMoves at Instagram @iammoneymoves
Website: http://iammoneymoves.com or email: [email protected]

Tina Johnson helped bring The Marketing Folks from a-weekly newsletter to a full-fledged news site by creating a new website and branding. She continues to assist in keeping the site responsive and well organized for the readers. As a contributor to The Marketing Folks, Tara mainly covers industry new.