Side Hustles to Make money in the Financial Market

In the financial market, studies show that 70% of people living in the world are looking for a better means to increase their salaries to meet their needs, as well as to invest in several businesses.

What are we hustling for, if not for money, getting the happiness we need and living the life we hoped for.

Yes, we have heard the saying that money does not bring happiness. Yes, we agree. But If money cannot bring happiness to your life, money will help you get those things you need to be happy at that moment. In case you are sick, you will need money for support and medications.

There are many reasons why you need to have a side hustle in the financial market, if not because of time, 10,000 words of an article won’t be enough to explain the benefits of having a side hustle, especially for those still doing menial jobs.

Having a side hustle already has given you an edge irrespective of who you are in the financial market.

Side Hustles For Making Money In The Financial Market

Having read about how relevant side hustle is in your daily activities and your overall health, a different form of side hustle that you can engage yourself with is provided below. Read through, follow your passion and do what is best for you.

Freelance Writing

If you have any writing skills or good writing experience, then this side hustle is definitely for you to leverage on and increase your daily or monthly income.

There are plenty of websites on the internet that will pay you for articles, blog posts, and other content you create for them.

You can make anywhere from $5-50 an hour depending on how much work you want to do and how much time you have to commit to it.

Tutoring Or Online Teaching

If you have gone through a series of training, especially in one or two courses and you have a lot of experience with the courses, or if you have anything you are good at, then I recommend you participate in online tutoring.

One special thing about this side hustle is that it won’t even take your time, you can barely spend up to 3hrs in a day depending on how you plan your time and other factors.

There are many great sites online where you can apply for a tutoring job, platforms like Coursera, Skillshare, Waptutors Academy and Udemy are great for online tutoring or teaching. There are also many great sites where you can apply for a tutoring job.

Foods and Online Grocery Delivery

Online grocery and food delivery are becoming popular ways to buy foodstuff and many other groceries.

With the help of these services, people don’t have to go to the store themselves, all the food or grocery they need should be ordered online and it will be delivered right to their doorstep.

With the quest of many individuals to meet up with buying food and eating a good meal, if you are smart enough in the financial market, you can earn a lot of money here and also meet many customers.

Online grocery delivery is not only convenient but also saves time and money. In order to be successful in this business, it is important to know what customers want and how they like their food delivered.

Not only that but you must also provide cheaper prices of goods compared to food and groceries available in the physical store and must offer a variety of them.

Buying And Reselling

This has been an example of a side hustle that has trended for years and still meeting people’s demands and providing money for those who involve themselves in the business.

We all know people won’t stop buying things till the end of the world so why not involve yourself in this form of side hustle and you can meet up to your standard.

You can get and buy several items at a cheaper rate and a discount and sell them, make a profit and always repeat the process.

Don’t underestimate this side hustle, some great things about this side hustle is that it is very easy to get started, there are several platforms you can get deals from, Amazon, eBay, Craigslist are one of the best platforms. But you can also get deals and gadgets from a local store or physical garage.

Buying and selling is a side hustle that anyone can do. You can buy items at a discount, sell them for a profit, and repeat the process.


As a student or working class, if you can spare some time out of your available time in a day and are looking for something that will give you more knowledge and bring money to your table, then online blogging is where you can venture into.

As simple as it might seem, you need to know some things before you can think of starting a blog because it is too vast.

You must know that blogging is time-consuming and can take lots of your time because you will need to plan out a timetable for meeting your schedule, like writing posts, doing on-page and off-page SEO, Keyword Research and some other technical analysis of your blog.

You must have an idea about how your blog is going to be and the value you wish to add to your readers or viewers, you must also have ideas on how you can monetize your blog.

Blogging is easy if you are patient and doing the right thing, it is a great side hustle and a lot of money can be made in it.


Proofreading is a means of reading text to detect any forms of errors, whether it is done by a computer software or by a human.

This side hustle is very perfect for those who want to make money online. This type of work is needed in so many fields such as journalism, academics, publishing and law.

This type of hustle can be done from anywhere in the world so far you have good internet. With this, you can be earning a good amount of money.

If you are desperate to do this type of side hustle, there are many sites you can apply to as a freelancer. You can check on indeed, fiver, Upwork or any other legit sites on the internet.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQS)

From lots of information gathered on the internet, we have found out that several people are lacking behind in the stuff called a side hustle.

A lot of questions have been asked by several employees, students, and the working class. Don’t panic if you are one, the questions will be treated softly below.

How can I manage a side hustle with my main job?

Yes, as said earlier in this article, it is very paramount you get a side hustle or learn a skill, especially if you are a low-level income earner in the financial market, this will prepare you for high paying jobs and a higher chance of success in the market.

All you just need to do is to schedule your time, make a plan on how you are going to manage yourself working in your office or area of work and side hustles as well.

What amount of money can I make as a side hustler in the financial market?

There is no limit to the money you can make as a side hustling boy or girl, a lady or a man. What is required for you is to be serious and as well put in the effort. Always know that the beginning is always the hardest.

Do I need an internet connection For a side hustling?

Yes, this is a question bothering a lot of people who are looking for a side hustle online. This may be due to how they manage their internet data. Well, you cannot run from it, you will need an internet connection.

Tina Johnson helped bring The Marketing Folks from a-weekly newsletter to a full-fledged news site by creating a new website and branding. She continues to assist in keeping the site responsive and well organized for the readers. As a contributor to The Marketing Folks, Tara mainly covers industry new.