Celebrity wellness guru Josette Tkacik paves a new path for successful heart led business leaders
Putting money on heart-led business strategies is making its way to mainstream thanks to Josette Tkacik.
Jacob Singer
Move over Marie Forleo, there is a new business guru in town. Meet Josette Tkacik, a celebrity Fitness instructor and quantum mystic who teaches soul-based business strategies along with mindfulness and self-empowerment.
Josette gained notoriety on a global scale when her Zumba Fitness classes were averaging 150-200 students every single class. The line to attend her classes went around the block in downtown Santa Barbara and her infectious smile and bright blue eyes captivated CEO’s and business leaders around the world. Aside from turning her dance fitness business into an iconic Santa Barbara must do, she quickly gained attention for her strategies for making a business succeed and it all begins with listening to your heart.
“I really wanted embody the change I wished to see in our corporate and business world.” I took inspiration from the TOMS model and put to good use strategies that included building community, supporting those in need and meeting people where they are to uplift and help them recognise their own power to trasform what they feel does not work. I also have an active outreach with local nonprofits to build relationships and work on a community-scale to build the village that supports these ideas. My business is without ego. At the same token, I know that I have something that no one else has just as everyone else does too.
Josette is no stranger to trauma and pain and the hero’s journey. She created her class on the heals of a diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis which, ultimately, she healed naturally and without pharmaceutical intervention.
Josette has numerous accalaides. She is named a Santa Barbara Hero, a Zumba Hero and teaches heart led business as a celebrity instrictor for the Zumba Corporation. She is also a top digital author for DailyOM and serves on the advisory board for the Women in Leadership at UCSB. She is a congressional award recipient and continues to inspire people to follow their hearts with clear strategies and methods.
Josette is the subject of Patricia Bragg’s (as in Apple Cider Vinegar) and Julia Loggins (as in Kenny Loggins) new book “Revolutionary Beauty.” Her new summer intensive sessions to self-embodiment and success training are open to all.
Find out more on her website www.josettet.com