Altering people’s mindsets in crypto with the right insights and information is Pumpcoinbets
Pumpcoinbets had earned more headlines recently when it supported and promoted an NFT project for helping it get more allow list sponsors and promoters.
Kiattichai Rakkong, aka Pumpcoinbets operates Twitter and Telegram handles for enhancing people’s experience with crypto and helping them make informed decisions.
It is incredible to know and learn about all those individuals who, instead of only focusing on achieving their set goals in life, make every possible effort in adding more value in people’s lives through the ventures, brands, companies, and platforms they create. This handful of professionals spare no effort in doing the “unusual” and offer uniqueness with all that they choose to do in their careers, just like
Kiattichai, did by developing robust Twitter and Telegram handles and a community that trusts him and his team for providing them with the most accurate and correct crypto information, news, reviews, and promotions.
Pumpcoinbets had earned more headlines recently when it supported and promoted an NFT project for helping it get more allow list sponsors and promoters.
It is operated as a Telegram and Twitter account. They keep sharing useful facts, news, reviews, etc., about different crypto projects and help the general audience gain the right insights and information. They have even partnered with Spywolf Crypto Security Agency to work on authentic and verified projects. As the brain behind operating these accounts on social media, Kiattichai feels passionate about sharing these reviews and promotions to fill in the gap in the Defi space by making people more knowledgeable and informed about varied crypto projects.
They have even built a team of crypto enthusiasts that run a serious crypto investor channel for supporting the already established and new projects. They run “AMA” (Ask Me Anything) campaigns for interviewing projects and reviewing them. Also, the group has spread its wings globally, and the AMAs is shared through its Twitter and Telegram channels. Pumpcoinbets, as a rising crypto streamer and reviewer, has around 340K followers on Twitter and over 550K members on Telegram. They have thrived on their extensive and unique content like sharing project reviews, safelists, AMA sessions, precise information on established and new projects, and giveaway information, where recently they awarded one of the biggest giveaways $40,000 worth of BTC.
They are known for promoting safe, innovative, and enjoyable Defi projects, determined to bring safe projects to investors.